Ocean Waves Overhead Point of View
Miss Aven Moran


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Aven Moran, MA Counseling, NBC-HWC, MBSR-T

I’ve always had a curious & creative mind, with a knack for saying and doing things others may not have considered. As a kid I built my big sister a table out of scrap wood and giant rusty nails. It was a birthday present for her, so I painted it white and drew balloons and flowers on the top. It wobbled, and fell over soon after gifting it to her. However, to this day, it is one of my most fondest memories. I felt proud of myself! I didn’t have a plan, or a picture to design and build from. It was just little me, some scrap supplies, and a dream.

Wellbeing Counselor, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Mentor and Writer. Specialized in Resiliency, Health Management & Habit Change.

  • 2008 – 2012, Santa Clara University

  • 2019

  • 2020

  • 2022

Perseverance. Adaptability.

Over the last 13+ years, I have dedicated my life to raising my two sons, and managing my family. I have developed many skills from this experience, the most fundamental of which are perseverance and adaptability. These two skills can be applied in any situation, and in many client interactions. These skills along with my academic achievements, my experience, along with my ability to listen and provide a sense of safety, may just make me the right new-hire to work with your clients, on your team, and with your organization.


Writing is a powerful tool for disseminating information, as well as inspiring, illuminating, and creating connection.

In my writing, I enjoy taking the science behind human behavior, and formatting it in such a way that is relatable, and can be applied to everyday life experiences.

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My worldview is one grounded in the philosophy of evolution. In my view, growth and change are to be embraced and celebrated, and the setbacks involved are to be learned from. Discomfort, to me, is not something to escape from, but to be turned towards and explored with curiosity and compassion. These views are depicted in my personal tagline, “Everyday is a chance to begin again.”..


Taking the time to listen to others as they speak, has always come quite naturally to me. I've been called a metaphorical "catcher's mitt", and been told that I'm uniquely skilled at making others feel safe, heard and comfortable. This sense of safety, and comfort allows for development and growth to flourish.

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Knowledge. Experience.

I’m an experienced Health & Wellness Coach, Counselor, Mentor and Health Content Writer.

Skilled in Resiliency Building, Health Management, Critical Thinking, Creative Problem Solving, and Habit Change.

I hold a Masters Degree in Counseling with a focus in Health Psychology, Mindfulness and Motivational Interviewing.

I received Health&Wellness Coach training through the Mayo Clinic, I am a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), and I’m a certified Mindfulnesses Based Stress Reduction-Teen (MBSR-T) facilitator.


I was drawn to the field of Health Psychology because of its pragmatic application in everyday life. I considered various careers within healthcare, and none seemed to suit me as well as Health Psychology. I enjoy assisting others in working through the challenges they face as they transition to seeing the potential within their unique circumstances, (or, the ‘table’ from scrap wood and rusty nails).

Resiliency Building | Health Management | Critical Thinking | Creative Problem Solving | Habit Change |

Resiliency Building | Health Management | Critical Thinking | Creative Problem Solving | Habit Change |

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